#8 Place we go when we fall short
My Top 3 Quotes
- The antidote to shame is empathy. If we reach out and share our shame experience with someone who responds with empathy, shame dissipates.
- Self-compassion entails being warm and understanding toward ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate, rather than ignoring our pain or flagellating ourselves with self-criticism.
- Like most people, I talk to myself in ways that I would never talk to people I love. I try to remind myself —if I wouldn’t talk that way to Ellen or Charlie when they make a mistake or drop a ball, I shouldn’t talk that way to myself.
- All the cruel and brutal things, even genocide, start with the humiliation of one individual.
, Self-Compassion
, Perfectionism
, Guilt
, Humiliation
, Embarrassment
等情感,什么是Shame?我们每个人都经历过,但是却很少谈论它,作者的定义是,Shame是一种强烈的的痛苦感受或者经历,它让我们认定自己是有缺陷的,因此不值得爱和归属。Secrecy, Silence, and Judgment会滋长Shame的感受。Empathy则是Shame的解药。除此之外,作者还给出了应对方法:
- Recognizing shame and understanding its triggers
- Practicing critical awareness(Are they realistic? Attainable? Are they what you want to be or what you think others need or want from you?)
- Reaching out, Are you owning and sharing your story? We can’t experience empathy if we’re not connecting.
- Speaking shame. Are you talking about how you feel and asking for what you need when you feel shame? Silence, secrecy, and judgment fuel shame.
Perfectionism 这一小节简直太戳心了,比如:
Perfectionism tells us that our mistakes and failures are personal defects, so we either avoid trying new things or we barely recover every time we inevitably fall short. 完美主义告诉我们,我们的错误和失败是个人的缺陷,所以我们要么避免尝试新事物,要么在每次不可避免的失败时几乎无法恢复。
Healthy striving is self-focused—How can I improve? Perfectionism is other-focused—What will they think? 健康的奋斗是以自我为中心的:我该如何改进? 完美主义则是关注他人:他们会怎么想?
perfectionism is a self-destructive and addictive belief system that we use to try to protect ourselves from feelings of shame, judgment, and blame. It is a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when in fact it’s the thing that’s really preventing us from taking flight, 完美主义是一种自我毁灭和上瘾的信念系统,我们用它来保护自己不受羞愧、评判和责备的影响。它就像一个20吨重的盾牌,我们带着它到处走,以为它能保护我们,但实际上它是真正阻止我们前进的东西。