Chapter 8
关注循环前者阐述一个现象:因为人的参与,人不是机器,心理因素的影响下使得事清的走向不会呈一条直线,同时导致了投资者反应过度或反应不足,从而决定了周期性波动的幅度。例如:当人们对事情的进展方式感到良好,对未来感到乐观时,他们的行为就会受到强烈的影响。(When people feel good about the way things are going and optimistic about the future, their behavior is strongly impacted. )但是,所有这些都能在一秒钟内逆转。昨天对市场有利的一切对今天都不好。循环的极端在很大程度上是由于人们的情感和弱点、不客观性和不一致。(All of these things are capable of reversing in a second; one of my favorite cartoons features a TV commentator saying, “Everything that was good for the market yesterday is no good for it today.” The extremes of cycles result largely from people’s emotions and foibles, nonobjectivity and inconsistency. )
忽视周期和推断趋势是投资者所能做的最危险的事情之一。人们通常表现得好像表现良好的公司会永远表现良好,而表现出色的投资会永远表现得更好,反之亦然。相反,更有可能是真的。(Ignoring cycles and extrapolating trends is one of the most dangerous things an investor can do. People often act as if companies that are doing well will do well forever, and investments that are outperforming will outperform forever, and vice versa. Instead, it’s the opposite that’s more likely to be true. )
下次当你遇到一个基于周期已经停止发生的交易时,请记住,这一定是一个失败的赌注。(The next time you’re approached with a deal predicated on cycles having ceased to occur, remember that invariably that’s a losing bet.)